People are being really shit in Momo’s quote tweets and focusing on the not saying ‘I missed you’ thing but there’s a lot of merit to what she’s saying!
As content creators there’s so much pressure for new, fresh content all the time. It’s terribly draining. 1/?
When we receive certain comments en masse it can be disheartening, especially when they seem to be repeatedly disregarding the content that’s already out there.
I’ve slowed down a lot this year and so has my growth because I’m not constantly putting out new cosplays. 2/?
You never know what a person is going through. I’ve spent a lot of this year grieving. If someone had commented ‘I missed you’ on my first post back after my grandma passed I may have been touched but I also would have felt guilty and pressured because it’s entitled.
It can come across as centring your own need for new content above the creators need for a break.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘never say it’ but you should certainly be aware it can have implications outside of its basic meaning. And this shouldn’t be a spicy take 4/?
The level of vitriol directed at Momo is disgusting, what she’s saying is entirely reasonable!
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