After Mohler summarizes evangelical support for Trump as a "worldview" issue, and says he "quickly loses respect" for pro-lifers who support Biden, he takes a different approach to Black Christians who vote Democratic...
He doesn't agree with them, he says, but they have "historical reasons" so they're still brothers and sisters in Christ. Mohler doesn't consider those reasons in his redundant apologetic for Trump. They have their reasons, we have ours, seems to be his line.
This is Mohler's Christian worldview applied to 2020. 2500 words on abortion, religious freedom & LGBT issues...all in service of justifying support for a man whose life has undermined evangelical convictions on these issues & whose politics are a disaster for them long-term.
And after multiple paragraphs dismissing white evangelicals who support Biden, his big olive branch is to tell Black Christians that he still considers them Christians because their vote is for "historical reasons."
Mohler does not consider that those historical reasons might apply to everyone. That he, too, might consider the historical reasons that would motivate so many pro-life, pro-religious freedom Black Christians to support Biden as reasons for him too.
He certainly can't fathom that these "historical reasons" might motivate many white evangelicals in this election. They're betraying their tribe, so they don't even get Mohler's affirmation of Christian brotherhood.
With all respect, Mohler's argument does not reflect a full, robust Christian worldview applied to this election. If it did, he'd name out loud those areas of Trump's policies where he disagrees, those "historical reasons," and say "in light of all this, I still support Trump."
While he criticizes Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden, they did what he is unwilling to do. He lies in this post when he says they "fail to concede" a Biden Administration will advance policies they disagree with on the issues Mohler cares about. In fact, they do so explicitly.
What Mohler falsely accuses them of not doing, he is unwilling to do himself. At least in this post. At least when he's making the case for Trump, and arguing it's "beyond his moral imagination" to vote for Biden, before patronizingly making an exception for Black Christians.
That's all I have to say about this post. This election is in eight days. There's going to be a lot of dumb things said over this next week. Christians must think Christianly when they vote, but we ought to be hesitant before making the way we vote a matter of faithfulness. /end/
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