This is a great Q & I'm surprised it didn't get any further discussion from illo twitter

(To be CLEAR, we 🖤 @vinnieneu & this is not meant to be mean to him & if anyone is mean to him- yr going on our 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥)

This is about a modernized version of 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐔𝐩

For those not versed in labor history, The Shape Up is one of our oldest adversaries. The Shape Up is when workers used to have to line up outside of factories & on docks to wait for the thugs in upper management to pick who would or wouldn't work that day.

Here's a more academic definition of The Shape Up

Source:  3/
The shape up kept wages low & created a system where better off workers would bribe hiring managers with kickbacks to get more work. Ending the Shape Up was one of the main issues that helped start America's first labor unions bc of how transparently bad for workers it was 4/
In addition to lowering wages it forced people to commute to work sites & spend their entire day at the ready even if they didn't get work. Time that could've been better spent running errands or enjoying leisure had they known they'd have the day off. 5/
But people are deluded if they don't think the Shape Up exists today. Just look outside any hardware store to see the contractors waiting in the hot sun, or the app based freelancers waiting for that ding that says they've got work today. 6/
While our conditions as working artists are a far cry from those of dock workers in the 1900's, we should still be mindful of the way labor abuses come back & be inclined to stomp them out- the minute we see them.

Would be great if when we see these threads start, if instead of lining up at the ready for what could be an exploitive job offer, we demanded clarity. 8/
I know none of us wants to use our public social media accounts to tell an AD or hiring manager to 🤬 off- or that these practices actively depress illustration wages. & for that- WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. 9/
If you see these practices out in the wild @ us & we're happy to step in. Also worth noting that you might like having an alt account at the ready for both your spicier takes AND for telling AD's to 'Stop the Shape Up!' We can't turn the tide by ourselves. Takes a village 10/
The reality is we're gonna use Social Media for work opportunities & there's nothing inherently wrong with that- but we ABSOLUTELY have to ensure that those employment asks are CLEAR & paying a livable wage.

Have to ask for clarity when the ask is vague 11/
But we ALSO have to give a little pushback- The way some ADs only hire their friends or the same 3 illustrators is why our industry can feel as homogenous as it does sometimes- Is this the best way for job asks to go out- To an AD's followers? 12/
Would love to hear how others feel about this. Daniel's Q at the heart of this remains. Has anyone gotten work through the shape up & were the terms of the work good? 13/
If yr shy about publicly talking abt this- feel free to DM us yr thoughts (for us to share on yr behalf)- but we think it's a good look to be open & honest & on the side of the workers always. 14/
Anyway- would genuinely love to hear how others feel about this- It's OK if you think it's cool- we're all figuring this out together. Pros/Cons- no matter what it is, this warrants serious discussion because it's seriously becoming a new avenue for work 15/
Also- Motion to rename 'illo twitter' as 'The Illo-minati'

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