I quickly want to address the mortality talking point when it comes to COVID, as some people continue to use % likelihood of death as the only meaningful statistic.

They might just be disingenuous/sowing discord but just in case it stems from a true lack of understanding...(1/)
Death is, of course, the worst possible outcome of COVID, but it’s not even close to the only outcome. No, you aren’t automatically “healthy again a week after you get it” as someone recently drooled into my TL.

The thing that scares me the most about getting it, beyond (2/)
potentially spreading it to someone else or suffering a serious immediate reaction, hospitalization or death, is what’s still unknown about the long-term effects.

If you haven’t read about COVID long haulers, please educate yourselves:
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/21/well/live/when-the-doctor-is-a-covid-long-hauler.html (3/)
“I contracted what was initially a fairly mild case in early March. 7 mos later I remain substantially debilitated, w/ profound exhaustion & a heart rate that goes into the stratosphere w/ even the tiniest bits of exertion, such as pouring a bowl of cereal or making a bed.” (4/)
There are thousands of mildly symptomatic or even asymptomatic COVID sufferers who, months later, can’t walk up the stairs or do simple tasks.

If you haven’t read about the “brain fog” affecting survivors, please educate yourselves:
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/11/health/covid-survivors.html (5/)
“After contracting the coronavirus in March, Michael Reagan lost all memory of his 12-day vacation in Paris, even though the trip was just a few weeks earlier.”

“After Erica Taylor recovered she became confused and forgetful, failing to even recognize her own car.”

It’s becoming known as Covid brain fog, w/ troubling cognitive symptoms.

“There are thousands of people who have that,” said Dr. Igor Koralnik, chief of neuro-infectious disease at Northwestern Med, “the impact on the work force that’s affected is going to be significant.” (7/)
The effects of COVID & shutdown on jobs, the economy, mental health, etc right now are MASSIVE & must be addressed.

So are the effects on the work force, health care industry, economy, mental health, etc in the future if ppl are sick, unable to work & not getting better. (8/)
What good is it being back at your job if you’re incapable of doing it?

Do you want to never again exercise? Go for a walk? Play catch with your kid?

Can you afford the pre-existing condition of COVID & a lifetime full of hospital visits/treatments for long term issues? (9/)
I’m not trying to cause panic, but the uneducated crap I see on here is terrifying. The lack of concern for the very real effects of the virus is shocking.

Right now most places have higher numbers than at any point & some folks are nowhere near as vigilant as months ago. (9/)
Enough with the talking points & the arguing & the digging your heels in on what you decided about COVID months ago. There’s new information—use it.

Please, please keep yourselves informed & be smart. We gotta stick together to get through this. ❤️
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