i believe Biden & Trump's presidency will not make a difference for lots of people. America is an imperial disaster.

But I do believe in fighting for the people in it, and for the people who feel the other ends of our bombs, bullets, policy. So if you are fence sitting:
One difference is the considerable rise in hate crimes that happened under Trump. I’m reading and reading the names of people we’ve lost to emboldened white supremacists. it’s too much to bear. I don’t know if it will get better under Biden but “the maybe” might be worth trying
I fully understand anyone who is refusing to cast a vote in this election for political reasons. I don’t think shaming anyone is going to get us free. I also fully understand and support people who are casting anti-fascist votes against Trump. I hope there are more anti-fascists
But people died so that you can do more than vote. Lots of Black people fought and died to destroy America's empire, to free themselves from the future that we are facing today. I just hope we remember which traditions that we are in
and if you decide not to vote I will be selling "i voted" stickers so that you can flex on ig
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