All this really just goes to show that there are no institutions that will protect black and disabled folks.

This kid was abused for years. Millers' parents did nothing, the school did nothing, the courts did nothing, and every hockey team he played for did nothing.
At no point did someone say "this behavior is intolerable and we need to put an end to it or this kid can't be here". Even after it rose to obvious criminality, his hockey teams decided it wasn't serious enough to keep him off the roster. Nobody gave a shit.
the judge stated that Mitchell had demonstrated no remorse and didn't seem to "get it", and yet 25 hours of community service and a letter was deemed sufficient punishment for multiple forms of verbal and physical assault against a disabled child.
Where was the school during the approx. 7 years that Mitchell was bullying this child? His classmates told police that he repeatedly and regularly used racial slurs. What was the consequence for that?
Where were the coaches who continued to keep this cancer of a child in their rooms? Where was USA Hockey? Why did the folks at UND decide he was worth a scholarship slot?
And most importantly, where were the parents who were raising a complete fuck up of a kid?
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