How To Create a Machine Which Make Clients Come To You With Ease

(The is how lazy service providers get high ticket clients... WITHOUT cold calling 100 times a day.)

Step One - The riches are in the niches


People in the same niche, talk to eachother

So, the easiest way to set your shit up?

Pick a niche, and aim to become to go to guy (for what you do) in that niche

This also means you play the game on cheat code, here why...
Step 2 - Find where your target market hang out

Every Niche hang out somewhere

Gumroad creators hang on Twitter

Copywriters hang out in Facebook groups (cult of copy, etc)

Find where they hang, join the Facebook group’s, and start analysing the battle field ...
Step 3 - Analysing The Battle Field For Your Plan Of Attack

Markets are like High School, especially when it comes to the groups

They have trends, cool kids, unpopular kids, and the ultra popular kids everyone wants to be

you gonna wanna take note of all this, here's why...
One testimonial from a POPULAR kid (guru) Could help you eat for life

@joserosado did this impeccably when he joined Twitter, and targeted Gumroad sellers

He did work for free, they shouted him out

Now, he's one of the BIGGEST players here

I've done the same twice.
You also wanna build those connections up.

As once your rep is established, you're playing the game on easy mode.

So, knowing WHO is WHO?


You're in the groups now, you may have a few testimonials from G's, but you ain't getting noticed, here's how to fix:

Go where Realtors hang out, write posts about web design, talk about their problems, give VALUE
In The Words of Uncle Kern:
''Show You can help them by ACTUALLY helping them''

Those who engage in your post, add as friends.

(caution: no direct pitching in groups, dick move, and will get you blacklisted)

Now, once on profile?
Post daily, DM them, build a conections.
Step 5 - Get people on Calls

Now, you've got people reading you, start getting them on a call, and closing them...

Wanna learn how to close a deal?

But, make sure you have a signature offer, which becomes known with your marketing

(post for another day)
If you're posting everyday, DM'ing 10 people per day, and getting on calls every single day?

You'll likely be fairly steady, and making solid money now.

Best part

You no longer need to slave away with Cold Outreach to get clients, because results do the talking.
You can follow @FrazzleDazzzled.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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