The woman in this medical mystery feature found out what was wrong, but only after dozens of doctor visits. Her story is why so many women just stop seeking medical care. We come to the ER with ovarian cysts, endometriosis and other "invisible pain" and are called drugseekers.
We often are told to spend thousands of dollars on GI testing for no reason other than a doctor who won't investigate the source of pain as described by a female patient. "You have severe pain but only every four weeks? Well, let's give you a colonoscopy."
And that's not even the worst of it. The doctors we rely on to specialize are often useless. I've helped three women send letters to their state's board of medical licensure to report OBGYNs who parrot dangerously false information about pelvic pain and treatment options.
Several women have told me that their OBGYN refused to even discuss endometriosis or related conditions with them, instead advising "to avoid pelvic pain, get pregnant." Not a joke.
Last tweet in this thread: Supposedly 1 in 10 menstruating people have endometriosis, but did you know that a diagnosis can only come after exploratory surgery? Take a guess how many patients can't afford that luxury. We need more medical community support for pelvic pain.
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