A happy little tweet about my family. I try to let my brother know that his son is on the wrong path with pills. Not a big deal just kind of let's help him out do something here. Anybody want to comment on how that conversation can go to now my brother wants to kill me?
I don't want to say my whole life story into Twitter but I just wanted to say ever mention the word addiction to my brother Dan and apparently lies can take an airplane to go somewhere else on a train as long as you did it somewhere else.
Trees and falling apples.

Feel like it's all about timing and stuff. How can you not use drugs right now? Well? By putting in your time earlier in your life and just not wanting to see other people go through it. I'm not up in a tower Ivory or not. Anybody can do whatever they want just hard to look at
just distinctly remember really going overboard to help my brother and him just using me. I over modulated the amount of help because I had just gone through it with none. I don't think help helps. You got to fall down the figurative stairs and have no one care to get out
It's possible at least 15 years ago to be a dope addict of sorts without robbing your friends or hurting people other than yourself period but it is not easy in the current time I guess.
It just worries me. I'm worried for a lot of people. And worry was the whole problem
Anybody know anything about stage fright? Performance anxiety in public? my hero musicians would use those vibrations you feel for the extra energy. But it is not easy for me and I don't think it's easy for anyone it's just your level of what you do to get thru. That was me
So I have a hard time with kovid right now. because we're all just sitting around we're not doing anything what I was doing was productive for my life. I wasn't watching SpongeBob. That's my Ivory tower folks. The old back in my day? So I'mma leave him alone.
And maybe I'm not just talking about my nephew maybe I'm talking about all the nephews and nieces. I'm seeing a lot of problems that a lot of people aren't trying to solve. Makes you not want to leave your house. Makes you go third person. So he hoped.
I honestly feel for anyone who is battling through addiction right now . I can remember when the nightly news would affect my patterns. I guess in the 90s you could say I would fly to places that for some reason wasn't so easy a few years later.? Lol.
No. But.
This thread is just an open letter to you guys and gals trying to keep that run going, or just trying to maintain. There's no program for what America is going through right now the whole world. I really feel for you guys being at the hands of whoever can get through now.
I only mentioned my brother Dan because like me there's like a statute of limitations you've gone 15 20 years without doing a single one of them things and you've done something difficult. It shows the level of difficulty of the problem. Not guilt. Not accusation just a real name

I know this should be a Facebook post or something but I feel like the people of Twitter well you know come on it's pretty obvious why I wouldn't post this thread on Facebook but if somebody shared it on Facebook for me I wouldn't deny it
I miss my family. The ones that are alive the ones that are dead. Completely ostracized isn't exactly fun but I live it and have lived it before and corrected it and I'm still here.
"I guess that I just don't know well I guess that I just don't know, guess that I just don't care"
Where are your little sailor suit and cap and sail right off your own map.

I only did this thread for the other people. if you did a bunch of drugs a long time ago and then had a shitload of kids I can understand wanting to deny it but when someone comes in confidence to remind you when you're forgetting.. not as an insult but as a reminder...
it's not because I have dirt on you or something and you should then tell me you want to kill me and all kinds of stuff and never see my family again even though I'm already ostracized it's to tell you I'm hearing about your kids selling drugs on the fucking Street. Just like you
And quite goddamn fucking frankly I don't care cuz somebody's got to get their shit somewhere but it sucks that my last name is going to be in prison if they keep that crap up because every single person uses the phrase common knowledge in regards. Get your kid some help. Soon
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