This year has been the year of me not apologizing for taking up space, having needs, having boundaries, and not apologizing for my sensitivity or intensity. It’s been the greatest thing I’ve ever forced myself to work on. I’ll never apologize for being myself ever again.
I’ve spent so long self deprecating or trying to make myself small & socially acceptable so that I don’t intimidate ppl or come on too strong & this year I’ve finally realized that I wasn’t doing myself any favors I was just making others feel more in control of me. Never again
Caring about things and having intense empathy and emotional intelligence have always been something I’ve been embarrassed of or tried to stifle because others made fun of it or didn’t understand it. Not anymore. It’s my super power and I’m not sorry for it anymore. I’m unique.
When someone tries to say something to humble me or get me to conform to what they feel comfortable with me being it doesn’t hurt my feelings anymore. It just is a reminder every time that I am doing something right if most people don’t understand me or want me to play smaller
The subtle jabs & the way that ppl would try to make me seem weird or annoying for caring about things or for being open about things that others don’t like to definitely used to hurt me but now it just shows that I strike a nerve in ppl & that’s something I’m ok with doing now
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