If voting didn’t make you feel better about supporting the ruling class it is not working
The climate is changing. megafauna risk extinction. That is you. You’re megafauna https://twitter.com/climateben/status/1104521158819528704
The only way to stop that from 100% happening is for the state to take control of US energy companies and wind them down. Immediately. They cannot stop themselves from making profits. They’re companies. https://twitter.com/climateben/status/1104521158819528704
“But I’m a conservative capitalist, I don’t believe in interfering in the market”

There will not be a market

Even if you are a loon who only cares about money you have to get on board
It doesn’t matter if you’re middle class. It doesnt matter if your family has 5 million dollars.

This is happening right now

You will possibly be killed by this. Your children will probably be killed by this. Your grand children are going to be killed by this
It’s frustratingly not complicated.

We remove the ruling class, who will choose short term profit over a workable plan every time without fail, and or we don’t. And there is no future for us
This is real.

The election is a political construction.

Being straight forward like this makes me very uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading.
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