I fr dont think 75% of you ppl crying on here that u wanna be in a relationship everyday are ready to really be in relationship, having a real life partner, being considerate of someone else’s feelings besides ya own on a daily, give an appropriate amount of time & attention, etc
Alota you just see relationship goals and want that flex for the clout, and want someone to have sex with consistently and go out to eat with. Y’all not really ready for what it takes to be in one
Y’all lowkey just want a fwb with all the perks of a relationship.. y’all don’t want a real adult relationship. If y’all ask anyone who’s in a real one you would stfu and go back to the drawing board. Real relationships not for the weak I promise you
Y’all can’t even put ya pride to the side for regular shit in everyday life but you think you can do it consistently for the greater good in a relationship? Just say you want a fwb and gwan easy lol
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