Over and over again in Deuteronomy, Moses warns Israel of God’s judgment of removing them from the land should they turn their back on Him and pursue false gods. Yet, throughout the Old Testament, we see Israel do exactly that, chae after false gods. Ultimately, God delivers 1/
the judgment He promised when both Judah and Israel are carried away into captivity. How could this happen given the ample warnings they received from God? I would argue it is because they failed to teach each generation diligently. They did not follow what God commanded of 2/
them. They did not make a concerted effort to pass down from generation to generation His commandments and His warnings. Thus, with each generation the compromises grew worse. God would bring judgments on them, and they would return, but then again fail to teach the following 3/
generations. I see such a parallel in evangelicalism today. We wonder how professing Christians could wander so far from the truth, how they could embrace such godless ideologies and call themselves Christians. Yet, study after study points to the same problem Israel had, we 4/
just keep thinking we don't need to seriously devote time and energy into deeply systematic, exegetical, biblical instruction for each generation. We want to fill pews and youth groups, but we don't want to burden them with the deep things of God. Well, then we ought not be 5/
surprised when the current generation follows the false idols of the land and claim to be followers of Christ. Like Israel, we are seeing the judgment of God, starting with His own people. We must return to the true, theological teachings of Scripture and cease with 5/
worldly compromise. End/
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