I used to be sceptical about #UniversalBasicIncome but I’m beginning to think it may be the only way to prevent the majority slipping into poverty while a tiny minority become ever more obscenely rich. The only people who will benefit long term from AI, automation etc are those
who own it. They will accrue ever more wealth to themselves while more people are thrown on the unemployment scrap heap or condemned to low paid, insecure labour. UBI depends on the majority exerting their will through progressive political parties and movements hand in hand
with progressive taxation. And yes, that does mean the end of the “American Dream” (it long since became a nightmare) and accepting that the existence of billionaires and multi-millionaires is bad for all of our health. Accept you will never be one, don’t need to be one & that
they wield disproportionate political power, including undermining democracy (Zuckerberg I’m looking at you) with their socioagnostic enterprises. Unless it’s already too late, it’s our future to choose. If it is too late, and we’ve passed into the era of post-democracy, then it
will get very ugly before long. Or uglier, I should say.
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