angsty stelena scenes — a thread
stefan, if this is you, you’ll be okay. i love you stefan. hold on to that. never let that go.
the only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl.
who are you?
i knew you’d catch me.
that’s right stefan. because you love me. you’ll fight because after everything we’ve been through, you owe me that
no, stefan. it makes me strong.
you don’t get to make that decision for me. if you walk away, it’s for you, because i know what i want. stefan, i love you.
does your heart really refuse to remember? —— what heart?
i didn’t sleep with damon because of the sire bond. i slept with damon because i’m in love with him.
who knows? maybe stefan and i will give it another go.
i’m with damon.
how many more ways are there for you to rip my heart out?
i killed her. i killed elena.
but nothing was said, everything’s in the looks and in the feeling. and the tension was built up so much and it was palpable. you could feel the love, the fear, the anxiety, the memories and the history between the two.
that part of my life is done. i don’t want to see you. i don’t want to be with you. i just want you to go.
stefan, wait.
don’t go, stefan. don’t have to. this is your home. please don’t go.
do it. erase it all, every memory.
i kissed damon.
you had me.
he dances.
show it. do something, stefan, anything is better than trying to convince me that you don’t care.
you can break through this. fight for it. feel something. anything, stefan. because if you don’t you’re going to lose me forever. i won’t love a ghost for the rest of my life
i’ve been
so selfish
because i love
you so much
and i know how
much you
love me
but it’s over, stefan
it has to be. she won.
katherine won.
get out. no.
remind me
of your name
again. elena.
you don’t have to love me like this.
this isn’t awkward.
you hate me. you might not have any memories, stefan but i do. this person, she’s not the type of person you would like.
i’m afraid of what i could do to you. —— i’m not. stefan, i’m not.
maybe i don’t. but what i do know is that you can take this, throw it in the quarry, and let the sun rise. or you could take this ring and put it on and keep fighting.
you don’t know what i look like when i’m not in love with you.
i can’t do this, elena. not anymore.
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