A couple hot takes for the election: young voters will turn out in record numbers. 18-25 typically don’t vote because they’re away at college and absentee was not as publicized as it should have been. But, they’re at home, and they are sick of their parents being racist.
2. The actual silent majority is Biden voters in Trump areas too afraid to publicize that they are voting for Joe because of backlash, but they want politics to be boring again.
3. Polls show Biden way ahead, but polls are polling typical voters. They’re not even accounting for either of the above normally complacent I engaged voters, and they will turn out.
4. Even though pollsters are accounting for them, as they always vote, Trump has managed to do the unfathomable with the elderly as a republican, and that is lose ground.

All of this equates to a landslide, and if I’m wrong, it was nice being a citizen of the US (until 2016).
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