Another important point is that you don’t even need to have played D&D for D&D to be a discursive force in your life. It is beyond the relationship that an individual has with it. It is an overarching ideological principle that gamers enact and unknowingly enforce on others.
When you can see D&D as a mode of thought and approach to game making and game playing, you can allow for the instances of its influence upon your games and your very mode of being in the world. Words like character, agency, and so on become suspect in this mode of thought.
Essentially, I am asking us to destabilize what we understand as true and defined within a space in order to see the ways in which those truth and definitions are the product of years of conditioning and engineering a game space reliant upon genius and individualism and so on.
This is not to make unstable in and of itself but to ask at every turn, how is D&D present in this space? Which is also to ask: how is neoliberal Western capitalism and colonial domination present here. And also learning truly how to grapple with these things, beyond D&D.
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