Venezuelan politics will always suffer of libtardism. Every single alternative to chavismo-authoritarian libtards- are just more libtards who think it's their turn to steal, their voters will honestly believe we can imitate the nordic euro model-
As if we even should or could? I think a lot of people have lost perspective on what the rest of the world is really like right now (pandemic aside, even). Of course when you're lying in the gutter, anything is a massive improvement, so I understand where this comes from-
But still that doesn't address the fact that nobody seems to have a realistic proposition of what to do with this mess. The way forward will be (more) loans; loans and half-assed management. At the very least there will be succor for the most immediate ills-
Years later, once we burn through those loans and start feeling the consequences of having to pay them, chavismo will be there, waiting, unless someone has the impossible political will, and the foresight, to stomp it out (they wont)
Now, Neo-Perejimenizmo as a thought, I think it awaits a second comming of a new breed of strongmen of huge moral constitution and administrative dexterity that I don't think can realistically be found in the primordial soup of the current socio-cultural order-
Of no less importance would be to highlight that one must contextualize that time period and thus, demistify it for modern audiences, so as not to have a purely Pathetic proposal for a "return to a golden age" type of campaign, that would be disingenious to say the least-
Not saying that Neo-perejimenizmo is entirely impossible, but it has many uphill battles to fight before it can even manifest its shot at governance, the least of which is finding someone(s) pure and illustrious enough to lead and enact; after that, it only gets more difficult-
You have to again take into context that it's no longer the 50's and that this isn't just true of the national situation in terms of population, development and culture, but also in an international stage, where merely being oil-rich is no longer a guarantee of wealth-
...where we aren't living in the world of radio and tv. Where supranational corporate hegemonies wield power in new, terrifying ways. we'd would no longer be pinned between NATO and USSR as we were then, but Between NATO and Russia and China and Iran and so on and so forth-
Many of The characteristics of every country who has staked a claim to our sovereignty and resources as well as the tools at their disposal are now different, far more sophisticated in some cases. Are we as a people equipped to deal with them?-
I think it's safe to say that in the years of Maduro, we've transitioned fully into being a Client state, even if it's not entirely clear whose client we are. This latter issue may become clearer in the short term, following the much-awaited collapse of their misadministration-
It would require a huge set balls and extremely keen intellects to wiggle us out of this future, to get us to a place where we're no longer so tightly bound to the demands of another nation(s). Even if many want something we have, probably none want to deal with us-
Funny Joke: if nobody wants to carry us, how can we make strip-mining our resources even less worth it? Is this something that Madurismo already achieved by accident? is that why no sufficient aid from our "allies" has arrived?
One thing is true about this joke: They're so bad at paying back, that even the Chinese are maaaybe starting to think about cutting their loses instead. Good riddance chino mamagüevo, sale con tu lumpia pa' otro lado, gafo.
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