I want to do a thread this morning on the #PeggyNoonan flap over her comments on #KamalaHarris and dancing, singing, laughing out loud on the campaign trail. I love what Senator Harris is teaching women & girls about using your power and showing joy at the same time. 1/
2/ First, #PeggyNoonan is not a racist. We have to stop throwing that term around like it's a meaningless word. It is not. Donald Trump is a racist. A big one. Peggy is a #babyboomer with limited exposure to women of color as someone who writes for the #WSJ and worked for Reagan.
3/ Instead of name calling and attacking each other a women let's step back and "coach", "educate", and have "courageous conversations" with our white sisters when they get it wrong. Help them to grasp that bias, and cluelessness about who we are as black women/WOC.
4/ Senator #KamalaHarris is changing the game for generations to come regardless of the outcome on 11/3. I happen to think she is going to win and be our nation's first woman VP. People will need to embrace seeing Power and Peace (Joy, laughter, etc.) thriving in one woman.
5/ Our country needs to heal. It's hurt deeply. It's divided. Much of it based on ignorance & fear of one another. We must rid this Republic of Trump. Once we do, we can begin the process of working through what we have all been through. Let's show people some grace. That is all.
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