My dad fell in the night. My mom is an older lady, who was never strong, and couldn't get him onto the couch.

My dad has physio today. It's unclear if this is muscle loss from doing nothing or something else. Unclear what the hospital will recommend going forward.
Really worried if they send him to a halfway house or something because of the pandemic. But also having him home seems unsustainable too.

This just fucking sucks.

Do not hit me with advice unless it's amazing. I'm venting. I'm sad. I'm scared. This sucks. This sucks.
The frustrating thing, too, is that he's getting more scans tomorrow (for the amount of cancer, exact location, and to check out his brain).

So we still have no information other than "He can't get off the floor on his own anymore"
When my dad saw physio at the hospital, the physio checked and my dad couldn't feel parts of his kegs eyes closed.

My dad is in the ER. May get admitted.

My mom isn't allowed to wait with him (pandemic rules).

This sucks.
My dad is still in the ER (a bed, but in the ER). My mom can't go see him.

My dad is confused. He doesn't remember yesterday. He doesn't know what hospital he's at. He didn't realize he was in the ER still.

This is really scary and really shitty and fuck this pandemic
This is still to say nothing of the fact he can't walk and that even if he comes home, there's no solution for bed-bathroom stuff because of the house layout.

This is so fast and impossible.
You are all welcome to mute these threads, btw. This is just...idk. Its easier to get it down.
Anyway, so, the motion-center of my dad's brain "looks like there's something going on" (said the neurology student on the phone to my mom) so they have to do more imaging.

There's apparently no beds in the hospital and that's why my dad isn't being admitted.

ER = no visitors.
My mom had to bring my dad some stuff. He's still in the ER, no beds for him. Meant my mom couldn't visit. Security wasn't going to let her bring my dad his things but the triage nurse let my mom go for 5 min so my mom could see my dad.

This sucks.
No significant news but basically there's a lot going on between numbness, loss of strength, and confusion and probably not all from the same cause.

Waiting. Sucks.
My dad remains in the ER (has a bed, but no room) which means *drumroll* we still can't visit him because no visitors in the ER allowed during the pandemic!

My mom can't get ahold of any of the doctors
My dad is confused and unsure what's been done
This fucking sucks
Keeping in thread so folks can mute this thread if they want.

This whole no news thing is shitty.
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