Fun story about the birth of my second son... I am a precipitous laborer. Seriously, first baby was nearly an elevator/parking lot situation. Extremely pregnant with baby boy #2, I has terrible back pain. I was home alone. I convinced myself that I better get to the hospital...1/
... because I *might* start having contractions and not notice. I know, not super logical, but.... extremely pregnant. Anyhoo, I stumble to hospital, am admitted, and shortly thereafter am looking at a bedside sonogram of my liver and kidneys with the on-call OB. she frowned. 2/
I frowned. I saw nothing but shadowy nonsense, because imaging is not remotely my jam. She finally looked at me and said, "listen, I'm going to level with you Megs... I only ever look at babies, ovaries, and uteri. I have NO IDEA what I'm even looking at. We better.... 3/
" radiology." She did. Turns out I had a kidney stone, which the ultrasonography tech and the radiologist saw in ~12 seconds. The OB and the virologist (ie, me) saw absolutely nothing. The point here is....... don't ask a virologist (or an OB) to do a radiologist's job. 4/
To repeat: don't ask a virologist (or an OB) to do a radiologist's job. /end

THE INVERSE IS ALSO TRUE. #ScottAtlas needs to stop pretending he has expertise he does not have. People are dying. #COVID19 #SitDownAtlas
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