Thread: Mikasa and Ymir parallels in ED1 of Attack on Titan season 1

+ theory on where I think the spine that Ymir came in contact with originated from
Disclaimer: I'm not saying that the parallels I'm pointing out with Mikasa and ymir have any character substance at all. These are just VISUALL PARALLELS imo and Mikasa's character is in no way similar to ymir's.
In ED1 in the bgeinning we see planets and stars and some other celestial bodies. During this sequence there is a quick flash of a asteroid
as it zooms past a planet. If you look closely it has the same design of the Marley logo.
In one of the books that Grisha has been giving to translate by the Owl, we see a illustration of Ymir holding this same logo-ish structure while the
titans are bowing before her feet.
Now, in ED1 the asteroid turns into a "small blade" as it makes landfall on earth. Before this we see Mika running into the forest away from something.
Hmm i wonder who that is paralleling. Mikasa later picks up the blade and grows up into the teen Mikasa we see in that season.
Now Ymir was also given this small blade when she fell in the pond and came in contact with the source of all organic life. The alien entity or whatever
u wanna call it was her small blade to escape this suffering and hell. It granted her a chance/wish to escape her hell.
Here's a simplied version of everything I pointed out

(i shouldve posted this at first oof)
Moving on to my absolutely not a wack ass reach theory.
I think the spine/alien entity is something that is composed of or connected by all the Nine Realms. Nine realms whats that? The Nine Realms are nine individual worlds that, while located in separate spiral galaxies, are systematically connected by the branches in Norse myth
here's a simplied version of everything im about to type out.
Vanaheim is one of the nine realms that has gods who can see the future// Eren's Attack Titan has the ability to see in the future holders memories

Svartalfheim or Nidavellir has dwarves and elves who are blacksmiths who can forge weapons of war// Warhammer Titan's main ability
i THINK there are many more similarities between Norse myth and the lore of the titans but im too lazy to find it all out.
Finally Armin mentions a land made of fire water and one completely made of snowfields which can be Muspelheim and Nilfheim. Plus this page might just singifying the hope in armin's eyes and nothing more deeper but its what prompted to make this theory in the first place
Do I believe this will have any plot relevance? No. Its too late to explore all of this imo but its still fun to theorize where the spine came from and since it has so much common with norse myth I thought of making this.
I don't think isayama needs to delve much into the origin of the alien entity at all. It adds to the fantasy element of the story not knowing where it came from. So this is just fun speculation that I came up with.
if u stuck around until the end

Thank you for reading !!

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