Whats happening? (as twitter asks...)

"Gender"..... the way society treats people because of their sex.
Feminist political organising, combined with (and enabled by) material progress - electricity, washing machines, contraception etc... has enabled greater equality for women
Some men have lost out from women's gains

(sometimes rights are a pie....)

But the people holding the decision making levers in society are still disproportionately men
A small proportion of people, for a variety of reasons don't want to be referred to by their sex

(a larger group of men enjoy dressing up in women's clothing as a sexual fetish)
In recent years it has been demanded that we all agree that "trans women are women"
And "trans men are men"
The new language is fiercely enforced
But if you cannot talk about men and women clearly, this destroys the underpinnings of progress for women's rights.
Is the driver for this really to benefit the tiny group ?

Or could it be that the 'side effect' of undermining measures which challenge male power is really what is giving this so much momentum?
Redefining "women" to be inclusive of males means the only words for female people are dehumanising and depoliticised.
And all of the organisations that you think might stand up for women's rights go along with it ....

(.... because who holds the power and resources in society? )
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