questions for australians
by an australian ✨
when are we all going to agree sydney is not all that?
which state has the worst public transport?
how do you feel about non aussies that like our accent?
does anybody actually put prawns on a fucking barbecue?
what’s the most memorable australian news story/headline?
who is the best australian musical artist?
coles or woolies?
what’s the best abc3 show?
the wiggles or hi-5?
why do so many people get dusty haircuts?
who is the worst (past or present) person in parliament?
have you done a shoey?
what’s the most iconic primary school disco song?
who is your favourite wiggle?
which channel do you watch the news on?
if you had to pick one, neighbours or home and away?
why’s the nbn so shit?
be honest kangaroos or koalas?
best state/territory in aus?
why do we always have to use data in our homes?
why are private school boys so fucking annoying? /hj
best childhood snack?
worst childhood snack?
do you like living here?
how often do you get on the piss?
what is something in your state/territory that tourists come to see?
most iconic australian tv ad?
no hat no play, did you wear a hat?
what’s an iconic game you played for pe in primary school?
best food to get from the canteen?
do you follow afl?
if you do, which team?
first australian tv presenter that comes to mind?
why is everything out to burn you in summer?
what would you say is actually the most dangerous animal here?
what colour house were you in for school?
do you like vegemite?
how many weetbix do you do?
what’s the most common australian stereotype you hear from non aussies?
why did freddo frogs get smaller and smaller over the years?
tasmania, why? /j
what “australian slang” do you use the most?
have you done a tim tam slam?
what do you hate the most about australia?
i think that’s enough
end of thread, stream 🙈
wait stream this too stan onewe
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