#MorningGlory White privilege is a result of white supremacy. It does not mean white ppl have no struggles nor does it mean white ppl are evil. In the simplest sense, it means white ppl do not have the additional burden of race. 1/
White privilege is not a blessing from God and is not to be confused with the privilege the Blessed Virgin Mary received from God. It would be dishonest to recast privilege gained from an evil, white supremacy, as the same as a privilege granted by God. 2/
White privilege is not a new concept. While not expressly using the term “white privilege” DuBois discussed the concept in his writings and one can read the Dred Scott decision for an example of white supremacy, white privilege, and the terrible effects upon the human family. 3/
The term “white privilege” gained popularity from Peggy McIntosh. She says she was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance to her group. She says whites are taught not to recognize white privilege. 4/
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