I remember it was "cool" here to say "Quarrelling with people because of political views is immature"

I laughed - Of course i was the contrarian then

Half a decade later eyes have cleared - Now everybody can see that what someone supports can be a matter of life & death for you
They will tell you "It's just politics" - As if politics is some abstract thing in some far off place

Politics is literally whether you will eat tomorrow, whether you get shot in the street for protesting, whether you are free to speak on social media

It's your very life
It is extremely important not to allow to remain in polite company or give social cover for bad actors

What you are inadvertently doing with your "maturity" is giving that person legitimacy with which he has credibility to justify the next genocide

Do provide social cover
*Do not provide social cover

You should value your own life strongly enough to know when someone is promoting something that is harmful to you & react to it strongly enough to deter them

Is this "validation" you seek from bad actors worth your own life & safety?

Be smart
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