y’all ever think the reason why we like kpop is bc we live in a mostly capitalist society that (we are told) is getting more unstable so we use kpop vicariously as a way to romanticize something we can never have because if it was in our reach we might make bad decisions for it?
like it’s almost as if we like things (celebrities, kpop, european aesthetics, international cultures) because we know it’s so far out of our reach we would never do anything stupid or potentially risky for those things. our society has told us to at takings risks is bad...
and so we romanticize things we cannot have in order to fulfill that lack... also as the world becomes more secular people feel like they have less meaning and purpose so they turn to people, countries, items, etc to idolize
idk I just think it’s interesting that we all enjoy something that we had really no idea about one day and then became very knowledgeable the next. we all care so much about the people we stan and it’s interesting to see that
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