The most frustrating part of the 60 Minutes interview were the questions asking if Kamala Harris was a progressive, as if that would be a bad thing.

We are the fastest growing part of the Democratic Party. If you want our votes, show us respect.
2/ Secondly, if Harris really is “the most liberal member of the Senate,” that’s a reflection of how wildly out of touch the Senate is with the wider Democratic electorate.

I enthusiastically voted for Biden/Harris but neither represent my values or policy preferences.
3/ Overall, I’m tired of the simplistic and unhelpful discussion of “capitalist” and “socialist,” as if it’s a binary. It’s unhelpful and inaccurate.

There is no person that can look at our economy and conclude it’s functioning for anyone but the 1 percent.
4/ VC Twitter demonstrates every day how divorced they are from the realities of working class America.

Call me a Marxist or whatever name you want. Understanding that and wanting market reform doesn’t make anyone a Stalinist.

It’s a very stupid conversation.
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