The evolution of marketing and why Branding matters

Marketing evolution went from:

Features - "What it has"


Benefits - "What it does"


Experience - "What you'll feel"


Tribal Identification - "Who you are"
We moved from an economy of mass production to an economy of mass customization

We have a lot more purchasing choices

The competition copies each other's features as soon as it is released

We're now rich in information but not in time
That's why branding suddenly becomes so important

You have to find a way to differentiate yourself from competitors with similar products/ services

Features and benefits are still important to a lot of people, but not as much as personal identity
Our purchases choices are now more emotional and symbolic attributes based:

How does the product look like?

What kind of people buy it?

Which tribe will I join when I buy it?

What do other people say about it?
People should not only focus on the USP but also on the UBS - Unique buying state (of customers)

People like to feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves

People don't buy brands anymore, they join brands
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