The things I'm about to suggest won't "cure" clinical anxiety. But they may be useful if you're struggling with anxious feelings. I'm not a medical professional - I strongly encourage medical/psychiatric interventions, especially if anxious feelings are taking over your life.
I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder just more than a year ago. These things help on days when the meds can't entirely mute the panic: drinking water, while sitting quietly focusing on my breathing; listening to a playlist of music I love; playing games on my phone.
Doing housework instead of paid work (you may enjoy gardening, building something, cooking just for pleasure - the point is, something that helps you feel in control.)
Napping. Some anxious people can't sleep - some of us seek solace and healing in sleep. Cuddles, if you've got someone to cuddle (dogs fulfill this role for me). Getting some sun.
Alternatively, give up on the day. Imagine you are your best friend, and address yourself with the sort of kindness and support you'd offer a friend: "Today sucks. Today I feel like I suck. I'm going to try again tomorrow!"
Also, I know a lot of these suggestions assume privilege - the freedom to take time, to get good psychiatric treatment, to be honest with people around you. The other thing you could do is donate to orgs that offer mental health support to those who don't have the same privilege.
You can follow @TashJoeZA.
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