I've been sitting on posting this for a couple of days but fuck it. It needs saying. All these stupid 5p meal ideas being posted do not take into account special needs and eating disorders. A high percentage of kids and adults with special needs of all kinds 1/
have dietary needs or issues, from allergies to eating disorders like ARFID. I myself have ARFID and have done since I was three years old. Let me tell you - the common myth that someone gets hungry enough and they'll eat - doesn't apply to ARFID, or other eating disorders 2/
We would starve rather than eat an "unsafe" food. Its not a choice, its not petulance, or spoiled behaviour. Its often sensory, or down to nausea, or negative eating experiences. I still as an adult cannot make myself eat my fear foods. I have improved massively but 3/
I will always have ARFID. The same is true for most people with it.

Some of these newly poor families contain both adults and kids with special needs and eating disorders. Your egg and soldiers doesnt help someone who can't eat eggs or butter and can 4/
Only tolerate one brand of bread.

Growing up, here's a list of what I could eat - most fruits, potatoes, broccoli, plain chicken, plain fish, home made cake not store bought. That was IT for years. Because anything else would make me violently projectile vomit 5/
So your suggestions of pasta and sauce, or chicken broth, wouldn't have helped me should I have found myself in this situation.

It doesn't help anyone with an eating disorder, who has "safe" and "unsafe" foods.

In fact during the small food shortage, I was worried I wouldn't be able to access my safe foods. I've heard the same from other eating disorder sufferers.

So just shut the fuck up, honestly. Kids with these conditions exist and your stupid ideas do not help them 7/
Many of these kids find eating an anxious time as it is (I used to dread dinner time every single day) and this makes it 100x worse.

Have some understanding instead of patronising idiotic comments. 8/8
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