I ada story nak share. Hopefully we will be better for our parents.

Haritu my bro balik and then my dad suddenly makan banyak which was not his usual portion.

My mum asked "eh banyaknya makan!"

And his replies buat I tersentap sikit... well banyak actually
"Harini (my bro) balik so berselera sikit" thats what he said.

Selama ni I ada je dekat rumah tapi I tak makan sama sama. I makan dalam office sambil buat kerja. I didn't watch TV together. I was just so busy with work. I bangun terus buat kerja.
Rasa bersalah and berdosa sangat. I bagi duit je dekat parents.

But I learned that "The most precious thing you can give someone is your time because you can never get it back. When you don't think about getting it back, you've given it in love." - Mitch Albom
So now I promise, just like how much I give them money, thats how much I'll give them my time.

Entrepreneur is surely a lonely journey but we have to remember before we decided to walk this path, ada orang di sekeliling kita. Jangan lupa.
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