1. Monday morning thoughts:
The GOP is trying to convince me this is some communist.
Listen! Y’all!
This is a middle-aged Southern Dad IN A SWEATER VEST, raised by his highly religious Southern Grandparents, who cooks the best red velvet cake in the state of South Carolina. 😂 https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1320493590540292096
2. The best cake thing is verified. He has the ribbon. If you disagree, you should have entered the contest.

Significant: he faced criticism from some Lefty folks for not using all natural food coloring.

I was like, “I can solve this. Here is beet powder.” I play that role.
3. Jaime: “no.”
4. If he wouldn’t capitulate on a cake, what makes you think he would bow to anyone on something that really matters when the values of SC are on the line?
5. So, the SCGOP *also* wants me to believe Jaime is a Corporate Sellout.

Which is it? Communist or Corporate Sellout?

Kinda hard to be both.
6. Can I just say? I am SO glad I am not held responsible for all the actions of my employers before I ever even worked for them...

...much less for the actions of the companies my employers did business with before I ever worked for them.
8. Did you ever work for McDonalds?

Better not run for office.

That company has all kinds of dirt.
9. Here is the TLDR version of Jaime scandals: he worked really hard to make a living to support his family and community while also working tirelessly, often unpaid, to better our nation.
10. Here is the TLDR version of @LindseyGrahamSC scandals:
He is willing to sacrifice-
-the 1st amendment
-all the amendments
-our democratic norms
-the rule of law

To the cause of Lindsey Graham.
11. Oh, and we sort of have a few problems in SC, from generational poverty, to profiteering energy companies, to port issues, to health, to water, to a lack of Ag infrastructure.

Graham thinks these are none of his business because they don’t impinge in his DC world.
12. He doesn’t get down here much.

We hear he goes to the NY-c a lot more than the regular old S-c.
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