I’ve noticed a growing interest in language over the past year and have enjoyed skirting the surface of psycholinguistics recently. Having delved into implicit bias in the past, I’m struck by how little consideration I’ve previously given the role of language. “From the ... 1/4
...categories we choose to talk about to the words we use to describe them, the social potency of language resides not just in the way we sound but also in the words we use. The way we sound divides groups; the words we use create new groups that people and especially... 2/4
...children can learn about; and we frequently characterise those groups in ways that are demeaning to people who are not like us. This often happens without our attention or awareness. My hope is that by becoming alert to the many ways in which our speech affects those... 3/4
...around us, as well as ourselves, we can better match our language to our personal ideas. Because at the end of the day, your social world is a reflection of both what you say, and how you say it.” 4/4
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