Okay, gonna go off a little.
Posts that say shit like "stop pretending to be mentally ill, it's not cute" need to stop. Thread time. (1)
All those posts that are like "depression isn't just sadness, it's not showering for weeks, it's living in filth, it's cutting everybody off from you", "anxiety isn't just being scared, it's being unable to do anything ever", etc?
That's the cause. (2)
Mental illness is a spectrum of intensities and symptoms. When we try to act like mental illness is defined solely by the most intense and worst examples, we get to the point where anyone suffering any less than that is considered to be 'faking' it, (3)
,or glorifying it for attention, and I seriously hate it.
I'm incredibly anxious, cripplingly so.
But someone else who's anxiety just means they can only shop if they're with someone they trust, and not alone, but otherwise they're fine, that anxiety is JUST as real, (4)
, and valid, as mine.
yes, some people do fake mental illness. But the majority of people don't. (5)
And when we spread this idea that faking it is some widespread trend, we start to look at "less" mentally ill people in a suspicious light, like they're not "broken enough" to count, and I'm sick of it. (6)
Anyone, anywhere, who has a mental illness, of ANY intensity, whether it only comes on strong rarely, or is low level constantly, are valid, and I'm tired of people acting like they're not. (7)
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