i am a: baby myday and today i surfed the internet in quest to find which colours younghyun has dyed his hair so enjoy this thread

#EKP_bestband_Day6 @day6official
feel free to add too and tell me which colour suits him the most and why is it black,, oops
– blonde
also, manbun brian please come back
i just can not not post this
– silver, very pretty
– a cute strawberry head
– bbbblue
– rainbow, in which he looks so BABY i will cry
– this one is for orange bri enthusiasts
– RED and he's so adorable for WHAT
– almost? purple?
– and finally, black brian best boy
look at that second picture i will k word him
black hair brian is superior there i said it
also! i almost forgot brown brian
that wraps up this thread! searching for this made me so happy as i got to see him grow over the years,, maybe send me your favourite younghyun pics?👉👈
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