In the Mail on Sunday this weekend, Bim Afolami accused “conceited liberals” and the “progressive Left” of “patronising” black people, including himself

He also accused a “local Lib Dem activist” of making offensive remarks about him on social media.

Bim, the Conservative MP for Hitchin and Harpenden, followed up his full page article with posts on his Facebook Page and Twitter account, in a well-planned gambit which drew support on social media from other Tory Cabinet Ministers including Priti Patel and Matt Hancock.

The article, published during #BlackHistoryMonth made many valid points about the important contribution of black people to British history, the progress that black people have made in the Conservative Party, and Bim’s own work to sponsor disadvantaged young people.

However, like many of Bim’s articles, it is badly let down by serious factual errors, omissions and flawed logic.

This thread will look at each of these issues in turn, and also discuss his motivations for writing the article in the first place.

The first and most serious error regards the identity of a local campaigner (which Bim has disclosed elsewhere) who posted a statement highly critical of Bim, including calling him a “race traitor”.

This individual is neither a Liberal Democrat activist nor a party member.

Disclosure: I am the Admin for the Facebook Group in question.

In response to the statements made about Bim, which I do not support and would find offensive if they were made about me, I have reminded group members of our policy on courtesy and respect.

However, the individual in question is an INDEPENDENT who actually campaigned AGAINST the Liberal Democrats and in support of David Gauke in Herts South West in December.

Bim would do well to check his facts before libelling his leading opponents in a national newspaper.

Bim should therefore publicly retract and apologise.

Bim then went on to make the case that “liberals” and “the Left” in general want to suppress the ambition of black people in general and the legitimacy of their support for the Conservative in general.

What rubbish.

Let’s start with the Lib Dems, most notably in Hitchin and Harpenden.

Like the entire LD team, I was proud to campaign alongside Sam Collins in 2019

This hugely respected District Councillor grew the LD vote by 14,000 and turned this formerly safe Tory seat into a marginal.

Given the commitment of the Hitchin and Harpenden LIbDem team in support of Sam Collins in December, Bim’s claim that:

“black people will not be able to fully thrive until conceited liberals ... stop trying to keep us in our place”

is quite clearly nonsense on stilts.

The real motivation behind Bim’s article is clear: to weaponise #BlackHistoryMonth and deflect the agenda away from the Rashford FSM campaign

This was a catastrophic week for the Tories in which Bim voted against the Opposition motion for FSM for vulnerable children.

The reaction in Hitchin and Harpenden, where hundreds of local children receive FSM, to Bim’s decision (as ever) to follow the Government Whip on voting against the Motion, has been overwhelmingly negative.

This article is a deflection, pure and simple.

Bim has good reason to be worried. There is a growing awareness of his conduct, performance and voting record.

He knows that a majority of constituents oppose him and that the only thing that will keep his seat in the next Election is for the Opposition to remain divided.


It is disappointing that Bim has chosen to weaponise #BlackHistoryMonth in a transparent attempt to deflect attention from his voting record.

I myself have much to learn about the contribution of black and other ethnic groups to our history and culture.

I would prefer that politicians did not use such an important event in our calendar for narrow personal and political advantage.

Bim should show responsibility, maturity and leadership by publicly apologising for libelling his leading opponents in Hitchin and Harpenden.


Constituents of Bim Afolami who are concerned about the conduct, performance and voting record of Bim Afolami are welcome to join this growing, cross party Facebook Group.

You can follow @RichardAScott.
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