#EPeeps, #EHRA_ESC is proud to have the new 2020 @escardio #AFib guidelines

Here’s my personal #tweetorial about the news and the highlights of these 126 pages.

I congratulate @GerdHindricks, @tanjapotpara1 & whole team for this tremendous work. #ESCGuidelines #EHRA_Ecomm
Find the new @escardio #Afib guideline document 2020 here ▶️ https://bit.ly/2HD5RKZ .

First, let’s take a look at the "what’s new" part.
ECG documentation is required to establish the diagnosis of #AFib (either standard 12-lead ECG recording or single-lead ECG tracing of at least 30 s).
I think that this is important because now we can explicitly diagnose AF with single-lead ECGs. #wEHRAbles
I very much like the new 4S-AF scheme. Very elaborated way to characterize #AFib with an individualized and systematic approach:
Stroke risk: CHA2DS2-VASc
Symptom severity: #EHRA_ESC score
Severity of AF burden: temporal pattern & burden
Substrate severity: clinics & imaging
#AFib screening needs to be carefully weighed for pros and cons. We have now a multitude of solutions to screen AF. This myriad of new technologies should not make us forget that overscreening can lead to overdiagnose and overtreatment. Be smart!
Don’t forget patient-reported outcomes (PRO) for #AFib. This now has a ☝️class I recommendation. @Rhythmisit. We need to improve AF management and care from the patient's perspective!
Stroke risk does not depend on #Afib classification. Class III indication for clinical pattern of AF conditioning the indication to thromboembolic prophylaxis. A strong message!
Catheter ablation for PVI is now recommended for rhythm control after 1 failed/intolerant AAD, to improve symptoms of #AFib recurrences in pts w/ parox AF or pers AF w/o or w/ major RF for recurrence.

Look at the quantity of 25 references fortifying this Class I indication!
#Afib catheter ablation for PVI should be considered as first-line rhythm control therapy to improve symptoms in selected patients with symptomatic paroxysmal AF episodes (Class IIa).

Poll: What is your main indication for PVI?❓

@escardio @ESC_Journals @ABollmannMD
I always wondered why targeting isolation of the pulmonary veins only represented a Class IIa indication in the 2016 guidelines (right panel).
Now, complete electrical isolation of the PV is Class I for all #AFib ablation procedures (left panel). A real improvement!
Atrial high rate episodes can be detected by #pacemaker or #ICD with an atrial lead or an insertable cardiac monitor. Always carefully look at the tracings to exclude artifacts and thereby misdiagnosis of #Afib.
Structured patient management is important for #Afib.

Now comes the new ABC pathway.

Different studies have shown that implementation of the ABC pathway was associated with lower risk of death and CV events.
“A” stands for Anticoagulation/Avoid stroke

We first need to assess the CHA2DS2-VASc and HASBLED score in #AFib patients.
Well-known: oral #anticoagulation should be considered if CHA2DS2-VASc ≥1 in males and ≥2 in females. In patients with #AFib initially at low risk of stroke, first reassessment of stroke risk should be made 4 - 6 months after the index evaluation. A smart recommendation!
NOACs are the drug of choice for stroke prevention in #Afib.

But don’t forget: Don’t use NOACs in pat with mechanical valves or with moderate-to-severe mitral stenosis!

👀 at the #EHRA_ESC practical guide on NOACs in patients with AF 👉 https://bit.ly/2FYB0bs 
“B” – Better symptom control

Rate or rhythm control? No question: Rhythm control is recommended for symptom and QoL improvement in symptomatic patients with #AFib (Class IA).
Rate control
For rate control in #Afib: in patients with LVEF≥40%, beta-blockers, diltiazem or verapamil are recommended. In case of LVEF<40%, use beta-blockers or digitalis.
Catheter ablation for symptomatic AF:
It is recommended as 1️⃣line therapy in parox AF (IIa) and persist AF (IIb).
Thanks to the latest data, it is now recommended in tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy (I) and in pt with ↘️LVEF to ↗️survival and ↘️HF hospitalizations (IIa).
Rules to initiate antiarrhythmic drugs for long-term rhythm control in #Afib.
The first question would be : is my patient symptomatic? Another hint is to redo ECG after treatment initiation!
☝️Re-evaluate and remember PRO!
Long-term rhythm control therapy for #Afib.
Patient choice and scientific evidence to be considered!
Remember: close monitoring of QT interval and potassium level are required when using sotalol.
“C” – Cardiovascular risk factors or concomitant diseases
Or should we call it the 3rd "c"ornerstone for #AFib management?
We need to identify and treat these!
Identification and management of risk factors and concomitant diseases is recommended as an integral part of treatment in #AFib patients! (Class I)

Poll: Which risk factor do you miss to identify/treat most frequently in your patients?

@PrashSanders @Dominik_Linz
We need to work harder on integrative care of risk factors for our #Afib patients!
To sum up:


(C)onfirm AF

(C)haracterise AF

(T)reat AF with the ABC pathway

(A) Anticoagulation/Avoid Stroke

(B) Better symptom control

(C) Comorbidities

Thanks for following my first #tweetorial on the new @escardio #Afib guidelines 2020! #EHRA_Ecomm
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