Can we all commit to doing better re communication this week? Emails are another way we ‘speak’ to each other and needs a bit of thought and kindness? Don’t bash away at your keyboard because you might just be bashing away at someone’s mental health or confidence...
Do I have time to compose? What is the ‘actual’ sense of urgency? Or am I trying to put myself at front of queue of someone’s priorities? Is this long email needed or maybe a request for a conversation is better? What time am I sending it? Can it wait until after the weekend?
Read a person’s full signature. Notice any notes about when and how they work and/or available to reply and respect that. Emails have taken a new place in our working lives as less of those real conversation cannot happen - but ask yourself if read out your email would be okay?
Kindness is not just words. It lives in all the tools we use to communicate. And also if you behave, speak or create tension in an email, please be ready because that’s what you might get back. Keyboard kindness yeah? Happy mainly working from home week everyone!!!
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