Sunday night conspiracy thread. Do not read this

Ask yourself, why would Trump, who knew the virus was deadly and admitted it on tape, do nothing? Not even order PPE, which would be a basic humanitarian thing to do.
Why open back up while the curve was flattening? Why? Insanity?
Trump has gone out of his way to do everything wrong, marginalizing Fauci, refusing masks, opening schools, getting sports going, and the more it goes wrong, the more he doubles down. He wouldn’t even pass a stimulus. Which leaves HIS OWN VOTERS hurting. Why? He’s cruel, stupid?
Or since Trump has been doing business with Russia since 1987, is it possible that all of this is for Putin? We know nothing of their meetings or phone calls, he’s ripped up translators notes. Trump had offered him a 50m dollar penthouse in Trump Tower Russia, and Trump said if
he loses he thinks “he’ll leave the country.” Where? North Korea? We also know that Moscow Mitch cut a deal with a Russian Oligarch, Deripaska for a huge aluminum plant in Kentucky, Mitch is in Russia’s pocket too. So since we know Russia is being helped,
Trump knows he’s probably gonna lose, people don’t line up for 7 hours to vote if they like how things are going. So how do you help the guy that 12 intelligence agencies say helped you get elected? You spend the time you have left causing chaos.
If you time it out, Trump has
cranked up his rallies but not making people wear masks. We’re seeing spikes in every town Trump has hit and he’s doing three rallies a day. They push Any Crappy Beret into the Supreme Court, while people get evicted and wait in food lines. They’re hobbling America, on purpose?
It seems to be on purpose, doesn’t it? A drunk four year old could make a good decision once a week. Trump won’t. Who does the raping of America help? Not China, they need us to be consumers and buy crap from them. Not our allies as a matter of fact we don’t have allies anymore.
We have a bunch of countries who for decades worked together but now look at us like we done lost our damn minds. So he’s screwed our allies, (Kurds) snuggled up to our enemies, to the point the Russians are occupying a base WE BUILT. An American military base. No consequences.
After four years Trump has made our allies not trust us, refused to help sick Americans, refused help them not get evicted and is infecting thousands at rallies KNOWING this virus is deadly. Or if you live you can have life time effects, AND Huge doctor bills while you go broke.
This last week, he had rallies everyday, those cases will start to hit in 7 to 21 days, the “Trump Spike,” right during the time he says “the election was rigged.” And whatever he does won’t matter because so many will be sick they won’t be able to protest, bitch, fight etc.
Those that aren’t sick can’t make a living and are having trouble, either getting evicted, losing their jobs and/or homes. Everything that has set into motion, weakens us, makes us vulnerable. Raising the debt, screwing up trade, hurting farmers, fed pumping the stock market.
Screwing up covid response so bad, even when we have examples worldwide of what to do right and stop it. NOTHING Trump has done has made things better. What if that was by design? ( I told you not to read this) How has he been wrong everyday for four years? Is this the plan?
Trumps done nothing to help us, in fact, Moscow Mitch won’t pass election security. Why? Trump is saying mail in ballots are easily faked but the opposite is true. They have bar codes, signature matches, etc. VOTING MACHINES however are an easy hack.
What does Putin get from our destruction? Revenge and power, also money, estimates are that Putin is worth 200 BILLION dollars. So, you get a famous American businessman, groom him for years, decades even. Help him get elected on a promise you’ll make the fake billionaire, real.
You get Trump into office even though the Secretary of State, who had the top secret clearance and had been briefed on the Russian meddling. Hillary heard the intel and knew it was so legit, she called Trump “Putin’s Puppet” ON TELEVISION! Remember? (Don’t read any further.)
Okay, YOU kept reading. WHAT President in 250 years did all he could to divide us? Trump knows there aren’t enough magats to get him elected, so why do all you can to SHRINK your base? It makes no sense. His base are in jobs that NEED the stimulus. Why screw those people? Because
chaos weakens us, division weakens us. He blames Pelosi and the democrats at least 30 times a rally and everyday on TV. Even though the house passed its bill in MAY to help Americans.
If Biden wins.
I fear from now until Jan 20th all hell will break lose and Trump won’t stop it.
If you read the above you notice that martial law needs the court to declare it legal. What has Moscow Mitch McConnell and the @gop done for the last six years? Pack the court with judges and they’re gonna put one on the Supreme Court this week. Yeah I know, I’m nuts, right?
Just be careful for the next four weeks. If Biden wins, Trump will declare it fake, use his judges to try to take the election or If Trump wins, game over in my opinion. I know I sound a little nuts but...
We are in a pandemic.
We are divided.
We are lead by a psycho
We are broke
The one upside, Trump didn’t expect us to mobilize, he thought we’d be demoralized. He cant Imagine standing in line for five minutes let alone five hours, vote. This horror show of a Robert Ludlum novel has stuck I’n my head for weeks. Now you have my nightmare. Cheers.
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