if the supporters of bernie sanders were capable of self-reflection, they'd spend less time ruminating on why everyone seems to be against them and would instead be asking themselves the following questions:
1. why were so many leftist influencers, who allegedly supported bernie sanders, cheering when candidates like kamala harris and cory booker dropped out? even though sanders needed a crowded field in order to mitigate a blowout in the deep south?
2. who thought it was a good idea to send a million snake emojis to elizabeth warren, even though he needed her good will and the good will of her supporters to win the primaries? who orchestrated that and why? what was the purpose, if not to kneecap bernie sanders?
3. who thought it was a good idea to spam the pete's supporters with rat emojis and pictures of dead rats? why would you spread homophobic conspiracies about him pretending to be gay, not loving his husband, etc.? who orchestrated that? it certainly did not help bernie sanders.
4. why were trump, breibart, fox news, etc., so soft on bernie sanders? what did they have to gain from going easy on bernie sanders while trashing the other primary candidates, particularly biden and warren? trump still likes mention how warren allegedly screwed bernie. why?
5. why did bernie sanders not align himself with the other candidates in the race to take down the obvious moderate threats: biden (then later bloomberg)? why did his campaign and his supporters focus on attacking everyone BUT biden? what was the point of that?
6. why did he waste time campaigning in MN and MA to take away delegates from klobuchar and warren respectively, even though they were not his biggest threat? in fact he needed them, particularly amy, to stay in the race to dilute biden's share of the vote. why'd he do that?
you can complain about the other candidates all you want but bernie sanders did the absolute most, out of everybody, to make sure that biden was the nominee and his supporters cheered him on every step of the way as he made decision after decision to ensure biden won.
and idk, maybe take a hard look at who was encouraging all of these bad decisions and missteps instead of lashing out at everyone else. think critically about who made terrible suggestion after terrible suggestion. who, on bernie's campaign, orchestrated the biden win? and why?
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