I have to say that one of the most _personally_ offensive things I have seen from anti-inclusion bigots (who try to soften/make cute their abject bigotry by calling themselves 'exclus' like they're some sort of cutesy fandom instead of vile community-splitting bigots)...
... is their co-opting of the term 'battleaxe bi'.

For those of you who don't know, "Battleaxe Bi" was created by @foxflightstudio and initially posted on Tumblr on April 12, 2018. It was part of the Orientation Armory series.
Taking the beautiful, and EXPRESSLY INCLUSIVE art of an artist -- whose message of 'WE FIGHT AS ONE' is a central part of the Orientation Armory -- and trying to turn it into a message of exclusion and hate?

That's gross. That's offensive.

And if you don't know that they've been trying to co-opt beautiful inclusive art and turn it into something nasty?

Now you know. And you know now that they didn't 'invent' that phrase for themselves.

They stole it.

My (queer, non-binary, bi) spouse wears a Battleaxe Bi pin on their battle jacket. They love the imagery, and we were backers on the Kickstarter BECAUSE they loved that. (Also I had a trident but it broke twice :( )

As an artist, I can't think of anything grosser or more offensive than someone taking an inclusive message I worked hard to bring into the world and perverting it.

Just in case you thought they have any respect for anything, the anti-inclusion bigots absolutely do not.
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