

Baholo/Zindlondlo there is an issue which arises when someone has got difficulties and problems, that issue is called procrastination. When a healer gives you a reading and says to you that you've got 1,2 and 3 as issues,
then you are given 1,2 and 3 as solutions. The issue with majority of people is that you take too long to action what has been given or told to you.

Remember ukuthi nabathakathi abalelanga, they are always finding ways ukuthi bakuqindezele.
When you have been prophesied and given a remedy, do it ASAP. Do not wait, this is what causes people to jump from healer to healer because all you do is want to hear a reading about your life and not follow through with recommendations given by the healer.
What is the use of seeing what is bothering you if you won't fix it? You find someone saying Yaz all healers tell me this when I go and consult.. It is because you've done nothing about it and it will come back over and over and over.

You must learn Ukuphetha.
Meaning you must learn to conclude your business, never leave it hanging because it piles up. Follow through and do follow ups, idlozi lizoma ngezinyawo ke lapho.

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