Can we all just agree to be chill after the election?

We’re the United freaking States of America. Can we please stop acting like a third-world country?

MAGA cult, I’m talking to you. 1/
I don’t know how or why you ended up where you are, flying the flag of a sad little man from your house, truck, and boat, but you look ridiculous. And more importantly, you’re making the country look ridiculous. 2/
I don’t know when you decided that being American meant turning your back on the American way, but you did, whether you realize it or not. You want a unitary executive with no critical press, no apolitical experts in the government, and voter suppression? Are you fucking high? 3/
And this Q nonsense. What the hell is wrong with you all? If you can’t tell the difference anymore between reality and bullshit, it’s time to log off Facebook permanently and READ actual news sources again. Because, again, you look like a bunch of tools, and it’s embarrassing. 4/
Just stop. STOP. No reasonably intelligent person should look at or listen to Donald Trump for more than two minutes and think he should run a country, much less the most powerful country on the planet. 5/
I get that a combination of Fox News, talk radio, and social media have convinced you that the other side is evil and yada yada yada. Guess what? It’s not. It’s people with different opinions. That’s it. So grow up and face it. 6/
Is there a lunatic fringe on the left? Yup. Just like on the right. But only one candidate has enabled, empowered, emboldened, and expanded his side’s nutjobs. And it ain’t Joe Biden. 7/
If socialism is your concern, voting for Trump is the worst thing you can do, and not just because he has his own record of socialist practices. Keeping the country free from extremism on either side takes a strategic approach. 8/
Think of it this way...what happened in 2012? The moderate Republican candidate lost. What happened in 2016? The most extreme Republican candidate became the nominee. The Democrats are having their Mitt Romney moment now. 9/
They nominated one of their most moderate candidates, to appeal to a broad cross-section of America. If he loses, the pendulum swings to the left. Hard. Just as the Republican pendulum swung hard to the right in 2016. Is that really what’s best for the country? No, it’s not. 10/
If you’re a hardcore pro-lifer, you got your three justices. Now cut and run. There is nothing else remotely pro-life about this president, so quit expecting the devil to do God’s work. 11/
I doubt this thread will have any effect on anyone. We’re all stuck in our corners, and I get it. But at the very least, let’s please, PLEASE keep cool after the election and act like who we are...citizens of the greatest nation on the planet.🇺🇸 12/12
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