Sometimes I see people say that T/RFs don't care about or target trans men. Or that there is not a specific way that trans men are targeted.

I don't think this is true.

I think that often when we are targetted, we are demasculinized and treated as victims.
Think of all the rhetoric that focuses around young tomboys being turned into trans men.

Healthy breast tissue being removed from daughters.

Our ability to have children taken away.
We are not treated as men who are informed and capable of our decision. Just silly women who don't know basic biology.

I think even more insidious is when they have a faux benevolence. In a way that they would treat a child that simply doesn't understand.
To me this does show a drastic difference from how trans women are treated.

Trans men are treated as helpless victims. Trans women are treated very much the opposite. As if their every choice could be interpretted as some sort of aggression by a T/RF.
I think sometimes some trans men might feel they have to push back extra hard against these ideas.

Not just never be the victim, which is healthy, but also define themselves by the standards of cis men.

I just wonder sometimes how much T/RFs define us.
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