If you want to understand how deeply hypocritical France is about freedom of speech and the Prophet drawings case and why you should follow and support the boycott, you MUST follow and RT this thread :


Here is what the article 433-5-1 of the french criminal code, created by Law n ° 2003-239 of March 18, 2003 say, word for word... :

"The fact, during a demonstration organized or regulated by the public authorities, to publicly insult the national anthem or the tricolor flag is punished with 7,500 euros of fine...

When committed in a meeting, this contempt is punishable by six months imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros"...

So..."It's just a drawing !" when they try to insult our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the most sacred symbol of our islamic civilization. But...

...if you mess with France symbol by insulting "just a blue,
white and red piece of fabric" or a "national song" in a public demonstration, you go 6 months in jail and must pay almost 9 000 $ in fine !

So don't be fooled by the "cultural thing" or their "freedom of speech" because they do, by law, understand the clear distinction between satirical criticism and pure insults against sacred symbols.
There IS a profound islamophobic rotten tradition behind that double speech.

Here is another example :

Charlie Hebdo, may Allah curse their hands for what they have drawn, hide their filth behind the shield of "freedom of speech" today.
What people dont know is that they have fired, in 2008, one of their designers, Siné, because he mocked...

...the conversion of Jean Sarkozy, former President son, to judaism and its deep business motivated background !

On what base was he fired ? Antisemitism...

Please massively RT this thread to show people how hypocritical, insulting and islamophobic France became.

You can of course check all the informations given here.

Thank you for your time and peace upon you and your families.

You can follow @ChameauH.
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