How do people find balance when the activities they are trying to balance are inherently addicting and can consume you?
- A night of drinking
- Watching a show
- Playing/Getting better at a sport
- Social media apps
- Video Games
Understanding the benefits of moderation/discipline is the answer (I think), but seems very difficult given our brains reward system / short term desire for pleasure. Seems like a hard game to figure out. Structural discipline seems like the answer, but easy to get off track.
But if off track/tempted to deviate —> back to point one. Know the importance of discipline/moderation.
Many seem not to care (for now or forever?) or can balance. It seems like our brains are wired for both short term pleasure and long term happiness/progression. Short term highs suppress long term happiness, but to our detriment, the immediate pleasure is always prioritized.
Are the highs worth the lows?

The answer is no, but it’s incredibly hard to not want to experience the highs.
Good night. I will probably laugh at this thread tomorrow. I really do experience a range of emotions / mental states throughout the day. I am a happy person. I am incredibly blessed/lucky. My tweets are more dramatic than I actually am.
I am mainly tweeting things like this for interesting reflection. Scary how easy/transformative reflection will be in today’s age with digital records, but that’s another thread 🤣.
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