I had a small run-in with a stupid cow today.
This cow claims to be fighting antisemitism on twitter. The weapon of choice is a "MOOOOO". I'm not sure how it's supposed to help, but that wouldn't bother me if @AntisemitismCow was at least consistent. >
In fact, he's just another leftist using Jews as a political tool.

I'm a Jew, and I have no interest in being anyone's political toy.

@AntisemitismCow MOOOs loud and clear at anyone who wants to criticize Jews aligned with the left,
but @AntisemitismCow is dead silent about antisemitism FROM the left.
I didn't want to just throw an accusation out, even after his TL indicated that I was right, so I tested him, by tagging him in a tweet calling out Cuomo's comments. *crickets*
It seems to me that all @AntisemitismCow is accomplishing is signal boosting antisemites with no followers, and turning the very serious issue of racism and antisemitism into nothing more than a political cudgel.

I don't think I will accomplish much with this, too be honest, but I can't just stand here and watch.
When the sin is serious, the accusation is serious. To water down one is to water them both down until they're both meaningless.

Which is exactly what worthless hacks like @AntisemitismCow are doing. If you MOO at everything from one side, no matter how meaningless, and nothing from the other, no matter how real, then none of it means a damn thing.
Maybe someone's gotta do it, and maybe no one needs to, but antisemitism definitely does NOT need to be called out in a way that amplifies comments you would never have seen, and turns the whole thing into a political circus.

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