oh i don't know, maybe
changing our history to fit their ideology
dropping important and necessary history to either silence a group or again fit their ideology
erase definitions of labels just so they can be comfy uwu
spread extreme amounts of misinformation regarding https://twitter.com/BALLSFAN69/status/1320550820241354752
all of our identities
push the demedicalization of being trans which, yknow, would make insurance coverage of life saving transition surgeries and hormones a LOT harder to gain
makes the entire community look like a joke to the rest of the world, including people in 3rd world
countries where being gay isn't exactly something you can just be and, yknow, stay alive
infantilize other marginalized peoples within the community (such as nd lgbt people) and make multiple different groups feel ostracized/fetishized
refusal to listen to any of what
anyone says if it's something the majority disagrees with, like if i were to say "bi women can say dyke" lord knows i'd lose any and all credibility even though i, as a lesbian (the all mighty reclaimer of that slur apparently) have PLENTY of grounds to put my opinion in on the
turn any and all functions/spaces that are supposed to be safe for lgbt people into cishet breeding grounds and uwu safe spaces that are just parties for the alphabet people
fetishize pretty much all of us lol i've never felt so fetishized and objectified in my own
community than i have by inclus
a lot of the ideology pushes the idea that we're choosing this (you can chose your label, your pronouns, your gender, etc) which is literally pushing us back 50 years to when it was still legal to kill and jail us (in just the US mind you)
puts a lot more pressure on actual activist groups to be inclusive lest they lose funding and support
well do i need to go on or do you get the point
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