I am currently watching the L word for the first time and I am currently on season three and my thoughts are: Jenny’s pussy cannot be THAT good for folks to be wrapped in her web, and they’ve done Alice v dirty this season
Also Tina falling asleep in full face makeup is her tragic flaw
This show is so awful and I have so many questions but now I’m invested and here we are
I would lie everything down for Carmen
Whoever directed Moira’s intro the group clearly doesn’t have friends tbh
Alice is ???? Fucking a vampire?????
S h a n e NO
Does anyone on this show know it’s possible to not cheat on your partner lmao
Shane cheating is a true stab in the heart
... could they at least cast someone who reads as straight for Angus? đź‘€
Kit is the only heterosexual with rights
Tina is now the queen of bad decisions
Never would’ve pictured feeling bad for Helena and here we are
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